
It seems I hit a bit of a weak spot with a comment I wrote on the Playstation blog on this weeks update. I commented twice actually. First was saying that I was glad for there to be a new shooter(Clive Barker's: Jericho). Second was a comment on how the 2.00 firmware is months later than expected.

For those who are wondering what I mean; Going by the 0.10 increments they were going in, by the time 1.90 came rolling around, it was June, an 2.00 was expected for July. Instead we got 1.91 for July, 1.92 for august, and if that wasn't enough, 1.92 did more damage than anything else, followed by 1.93 a week later to fix the screwup that was 1.92. Still... there is no 2.00.

The obviously didn't like that, so my second comment was removed. Why would they remove a comment unless it was a thorn in their sides? I've seen plenty of irrelevant comments around in the past usually not removed, so that was obviously not the reason. Just something to think about. If everyone praises them for screwing up, nothing is going to change.

Point out the legitimate flaws and maybe they will pick up the slack a little. We may not be paying up front like XBL, but we are paying quite a bit more for the small to useless add ons that in the case of even a PC, would have been free.

— Will

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