Let's get started...

OK! Let's get this started. I didn't want to leave this blank for people to pass over and not get some idea of what was to be happening here.

I'll start by saying my name is Will. I'll be one of two people updating and posting here. What we're trying to accomplish is getting whatever news we happen to hear or see to you, but filtered, without all of the bias "Sony is better...", "Microsoft is better...", "..just because" bull you'll find in most other places.

Though the main point of this site will be about gaming systems; There will often be times we decide we're going to talk about whatever the hell we want. ;) While we'll try and remain as serious as possible when we need to, we're here to have fun. You should to.

Feel free to comment on posts and add your two cents. But, if we find any unnecessary flaming has made it's way into the comments without a valid point, it's going to be removed, and the inevitable "Why did you delete my post!?" that is sure to follow will likely be removed as well since I know people can never ask calmly.

Remember... We're here to have fun. Check your baggage before you click that bookmark link which I hope is already in your list because you plan on coming back. ;) But I warn you now, if you are offended in any way by profanity, this probably isn't the place for you.

On that note... See you next time, and until then, have a wonderful fucking day!

— Will

1 comment:

Dawnless said...

This is pretty cool.